Your images are unique...

they were commissioned by you and capture a moment in the life of your family which can't be recreated.  I believe they should be treated as treasures, not just pixels on a screen.  You should be able to pick them up and hold them, turn the pages, stand back and admire.  Family photographs are your legacy and for this reason all my images come fully finished, as collections of photographs in beautiful leather-bound books, hand framed or produced as stunning acrylic pieces or block mounts. 


I am confident that you will love your photographs - you may want them all - and that means I've done my job!  And whilst I love to fill your home with gorgeous photographs, I encourage you to take your time and carefully choose your favourites and select the presentation that best complements them.  A few stunning pieces for the wall will provide far more impact than a stack of loose prints that may never see the light of day.  And if you're looking to build a family archive, a collection of images in a hand-bound book will have far greater longevity than a CD of digital files.  


If you're looking for ideas, check out the WallArt and Albums pages, which feature some lovely presentation options.  It's my job to help you choose the best solution for your style and budget and I'm always happy to offer advice.